Transient analysis amp; amp; application when switching auxiliary power source of large capacity unit 大机组厂用电源切换暂态分析及应用
The rapid development of power industry in china and the use of new installed big capacity units need the high quality of the operating staff 我国电力工业的迅速发展和新装大容量机组的不断投运,对上岗运行人员的素质提出了更高的要求。
Nowadays and in the future flue gas desulfurization with limestone / lime - gypsum method is one of the main technologies for large capacity units in china 摘要湿式石灰石/石灰石膏烟气脱硫是目前国内,以及将来大型机组环保中的主要脱硫技术。
This article is based on the actual situation of the large - scale hydropower plant . it describes the aim , meaning and content of device state monitoring and faults diagnose system and its application and development in and outside of the country , and also discuss the main fault type of large capacity unit , key technology and difficulty of this system . make the most use of present test method to study the cause of fault , conformation of test parameters , suitable arrangement of the test spots , choose of sensors , criterion of faults and diagnose expert system , and take the vibration fault of hydrogenerator units as an instance , set up the vibration faults diagnose model 本文从大型水电站的实际情况出发,对电站机电设备状态监测和故障诊断的目的、意义和内容以及国内外的应用、发展方向进行了描述,对大型水电站机电设备故障的类型以及设备状态监测和故障诊断的关键技术及在大型水电站实现状态监测和故障诊断的难点进行了探讨,并充分利用国内外现有的测试手段和技术,对大型水电站机组故障形成机理、测试参数的确定、测点的合理布置、传感器的选择、故障判断标准、以及诊断专家系统进行了研究,并以水轮发电机振动故障为例,建立了水轮发电机振动故障诊断模型。